Its raining today. I love the rain. I love getting wet. I love jumping
into puddles. I love making a giant SPLASH!! I love the smell of the
earth as the first drops of water kiss its dry surface. I romanticize
rain. It brings life. I love the way rain quiets everything down, it
sends people running into the cave of their thoughts, sends them
running into Plato's cave; makes them sink into their darkest place in
search of the light that will lead them out of the tunnel they've
trapped themselves in.
Whenever it rains, I become someone else. I become somewhat
withdrawn, somewhat lost in my own thoughts. My usual silly
daydreams are replaced by serious matters, sometimes personal
ones, other times not. But usually dark. It's like the rain,
with its somber and moody nature, gives one a free pass to
reject the expected cheerfulness of a sunny day. It removes
the censorship from one's feelings and allows one to feel
rawly, to be devoured by sadness, swallowed by emptiness,drank
by despair and in the end, once the rain fades away into a
rainbow, one is once again spat out whole, renewed, reborne.
I like this one a lot. I think is good that you are expressing your thoughts.