Yesterday, as I crossed the street while minding my own business, this dude walks up to me and declares, "You have a lucky forehead, it's full of light." It was a sunny day though and I do have an oily complexion. But I guess that's not what he meant because he continued, "You are a very lucky person, but your luck has not yet manifested itself. 2010 is when it will happen. Mark my words. 2008 and 2009 were not lucky years for you; those years were full of up and downs." Of course the whole time he's talking I'm standing there with a smirk on my face, while wondering, "is this dude for real?" and, "am I that gullible?" He seemed harmless enough so I thought I'd humor him, so I stood there listening even after the occasional arm pat and hand squeeze. He then took a piece of paper and wrote something on it, crumpled it into a tiny ball, and set it on my open palm. He then asked me 3 questions:
1. Pick a color besides red and black (my 2 favorites!) - I picked blue.
2. Choose a number between 1 and 5 - I chose 4.
3. My birth year - 1983.
He wrote my answers down and showed them to me. He then instructed me to open the little ball in my hand. I unrolled it and EUREKA!! They were my answers - how did he know?! LOL I must admit, I was kind of amazed; it was pretty cool, creepy and suspicious all at once.
He also asked me what kind of luck I most desired - success, love, health. I'm healthy, success is relative, and yes, I'm a girl so yeah, I said love (surprise, surprise). He said this is my lucky year for love. Apparently, there are 2 fellas out there with exceptionally awesome taste and therefore in love with me, but I only love one of them (gasp!). Then, I don't remember what else he said. He said something more about love, maybe that it would all work itself out? I don't know. He told me to remember his face, that I would see him again in April. Hmmm, wonder if I should be creeped out?
Yes, I gave him money - my lunch money. I wanted Thai, but since they only take cash, I was forced to eat clam chowder instead, yuck! But at least my charming Prince of Parfait hooks me up. I can get a medium or large soup for the price of a small.
What's peculiar to me is that I think I crossed this fortune-teller once upon a time; the whole episode feels repeated, though not entirely déjàvu. I just have a vague sense that this has happened to me before, with him. Maybe he's my Guardian Angel of Hope, or perhaps he is a real-life clairvoyant. Then again, he may be just another weirdo loose in the streets of San Francisco.
Epilogue - Walking back to the office, clam chowder in tow, I caught him talking to some dude. I guess homeboy didn't buy it and walked away. I caught up to him and asked, "what did he tell you?" Dude said, "That I have a lucky forehead and this is my lucky year." I exclaimed, "he told me the same thing!" I admit I felt kind of cheated, but went on to share the q&a session. The guy seemed impressed, whether it was genuine or for my sake, I can't say. When we parted ways (after he asked if I gave him money), he told me, "maybe you will be lucky this year." I hope so.
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