"Love doesn’t die just gets buried under fear and failures to be brave. It gets buried under all that sludge."
Philosophizing love on the walls of a San Francisco alley. Random sage asserting the truth - though truth is subjective. A warrior of love defending Love's honor - Love doesn’t die. Is that a romanticized observation or is that a fact? Guess that is both the beauty and foulness of abstractness, it can be molded and manipulated into anything. Love is an abstract idea, an intangible sentiment. The way love manifests itself in me is different than it does in someone else. The sage is right though; too often love, or the potential thereof, does get buried under the fear to allow oneself to love and be loved, it gets buried under the fear of failure to be brave, the fear that the risk will be fruitless, that it will shrivel into nothingness instead. Then the potential of the beautiful possibility of love gets buried under the sludge of cowardice and mediocracy.
What is the world's greatest evil then? It has to be fear to love, because where there is love, fear is absent. Fear is what leads people to lie, cheat, steal, kill, and hurt others because they feel they are inferior and are afraid to accept human kindness and love for humanity. Love on the other hand empowers and gives one the feeling of invincibility, the feeling that anything is possible - si se puede. The hippies had it right in the 60's - peace and love, that's all we really need.
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