I'm tired of making excuses for others. People can be so mean and nasty. The weakness of their hearts and the feebleness of their spirit jades them. They become desensitized, losing all emotion and tact. They become selfish and guarded, always looking out for number one, oblivious to the effect their careless actions, or lack thereof, have upon others.
It's sad to watch the way they go through life, just living without feeling. Like Colonel Aureliano Buendia, they live a stoic existence, living without living and loving without loving. They don't acknowledge their indifference, instead accept it as a "personality problem", citing that "no one is perfect". Their mediocracy is visible in their lack of effort, in their desire to remain as is without attempting to strive to change, to improve, to remove the shackles that enslave them to a life void of emotional experience.
How can they ever be truly happy or satisfied with their lives when they live in fear? The walls that surround their metal-encrusted hearts can't be broken and will not be broken until they choose to remove their cloak of cowardice. Life is not perfect, but it is full of experiences. It kicks you down as it coddles you. It forces you to cry in pain as it leads you to laugh in joy. Indifference though, doesn't bring you anything; it doesn't help you learn and evolve as a human being, it just leaves you as an avatar waiting to come alive.
But because they are afraid, they mask themselves with excuses. They never really own up to their flaws and errors, they just let them be. I'm personally tired of making excuses for assholes, there's too many. What's the point anyway? Saying that their ruthless ways are not intentional doesn't do them any favors, it just gives them a open door to keep on doing it. But, how to fix that? You can't help or change anyone who doesn't want to change. If they don't acknowledge their problem, they're kinda hopeless. I wish I knew what to do with people like that. I say that I will treat them the way they treat me, but I'm not an jerk, though I try. I just feel bad every time I'm mean. How does one evolve into a selfish prick? I want to learn. But I don't want to be a spineless, weak-hearted, excuse-making beast. So, I guess I'm better off crying alone in my room every so often, then being the reason for some one else's tears.
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