"…so she said, 'No, I just wanna go to that chicken place' so I dropped her off and that was my mistake" [insert laughter] "Next thing I know, she ain't nowhere to be seen. She made her way to one of the gambling houses!" [Insert more laughter]. Unfortunately I missed the beginning and the end of this conversation which I was not eavesdropping on while waiting for a friend outside of Fox Plaza. The conversation was between two older men - maybe in their mid-fifties - as they sat on on one of those metal tables Starbucks sets outside many of their locations. I sat on the table adjacent to them with my ever-present ipod. But as grace, fate and the circle of life would have it, my poor ipod is dying and due to its (breaks my heart to say it) deficiencies, I was able to unintentionally listen to their gibberish. O como dice el Chavo del Ocho, "Fue sin querer queriendo." Then again, that's how some of the most interesting things in life happen. Just hope she got some money out of her escapade.
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